Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Mixed stir fried noodles

I usually roast 2 chicken at a time, one to be served hot and the other one to be used the next day to prepare some classic leftover recipes like fried rice, stir fried noodles etc. This one is a mixed noodles simply because it has mixed ingredients like prawns, chicken, egg etc. And this was stir fried. Hence the name Mixed stir fried noodles. This one was spicy due to the usage of leftover Asian spicy prawns. On the whole this was a complete leftover noodles. Here goes the recipe....

Wheat noodles - 200 grams
Carrots - 1 nos
Capsicum - 1 nos
Leftover Asian spicy prawns - 4 nos
Leftover Roasted chicken - 100 grams
Eggs - 4 nos
Chicken stock cube - 1nos
Salt (optional) for taste
Pepper for taste
Oil for stir frying

Bring lots of water to boil in a stew pot. Add noodles and cook till done. Strain using a colander and keep aside. Cut thin strips of carrots, dice the capsicum and keep aside. In a wok (kadai) add oil and stir fry eggs, leftover roasted chicken and vegetables. Now add leftover Asian spicy prawn, chicken stock cubes (can dissolve in little water and then add) and stir fry. Finally add cooked noodles, salt and pepper and stir for 3 min or until the noodles is hot. Serve hot.

Instead of leftover Asian spicy prawns and leftover roasted chicken, fresh and newly prepared Asian spicy prawn and roasted chicken can be used in the recipe.


  1. OMG! I like noodles so much, your plate of noodles looks so tempting, where do you live ya, i'll come and get some:-)

  2. Thanks Umm :) that was not my plate of food though (All at my home would love this though), I follow ayurvedic diets dear :)

  3. u r gr8 rach u r on ayurvedic diet but u r making somany different n yummy dishes for ur family ,which u can't taste a bit also...its really big thing...

  4. really luks perfect!!!!!! with spicy prawns...so tempting yaar ...

  5. Thanks Sathya :) Let me tel u, I was a big time foodie, die hard fan of non-veg food, sweets and icecreams and chocolate lover before!!!!
    When health is priority in life, sacrifice is a must! If I'm healthy, my family is healthy and happy :)

  6. Colorful and yummy looking noodles.

  7. love noodles in any form...this looks incredibly delicious..yum!

  8. Very tempting noodles rach, nice way to use these spicy prawns here....will be online tommorrow, you let me know the time

  9. Thanks Sushma :) I'm usually online during India time 6-11 p.m. let me know if its ok with u ...

  10. Thanks Deepa :) even mornings???

  11. Ya will be online at 7,v ll chat tommorrow..& goodnight rach, sweet dreams, get well soon, and take good rest..

  12. Ok sush will chat tomo, u too take care. Good night

  13. wow..really tempting..cannot resist..I like your blog..it's full of mouthwatering pictures!!

  14. Yummm I really love this recipe. My family will enjoy this. I love the way you don't waste the left-overs! My kinda cooking!

  15. looks very tempting and delicious dear

  16. wow, Rach , this looks so tempting ,,, lovely

  17. Delicious and tempting noodles..and with spicy prawns and roasted chicken..that's absolutely delicious.

  18. Such a tempting noodles with spicy prawns and roasted chicken..Yummm!!

  19. Yummyilicious dish, very tempting and makes me hungry Rach..

  20. would love to have these delicious noodles


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