Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Cucumber Raitha (Sowthekai mosaru chutney)

Raitha is a yogurt based chutneys usually used along with biryanis in India. Depending on the dominant ingredient used, it can be called as Cucumber raitha or tomato raitha or onion raitha etc... Here goes the recipe...

Yogurt - 1 cup
Cucumber( chopped) - 1 cup
Onion - 1 nos
Green chillies - 1 nos
Salt for taste

In a mixing bowl, add finely chopped cucumber, onion, green chillies. Pour over the thick yogurt. Add salt for taste. Mix well. Serve with biryani or pulav etc.

Add 1 more chilly if you'll like it bit spicy.


  1. oh my fav raitha, would be nice if served it pulav, i love to have it what do you do the whole day? when i go back then even i feel bore , so i blog, nice time pass

  2. My fav comfort food. I love to have bowls and bowls of this any time.Nice click.


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