Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Egg fried rice

For EGGITARIANS this is one eternal recipe. A great left over recipe( if there is leftover rice). Very similar to the normal fried rice( eggs being an added ingredient). This is a classic Indo-Chinese cuisine. The flavour of egg is a great contribution to fried rice, making it unique and classy in its taste. I cook this as often as possible, simply cause its easy and tasty.Hope you'll can cook this and make a classic leftover recipe at home. The recipe goes this way...

cooked rice - 1 kilo
eggs - 6 nos
carrots - 2 nos
beans - 50 grams
spring onions - 1 cup
soya sauce - 2 tbsp
salt for taste
pepper - 1 tbsp
oil for stir frying all ingredients

Heat oil in a wok. Add eggs and stir fry them until its cooked. Now add finely chopped carrots, beans, 1/2 cup spring onions and stir fry. Now add soya sauce, salt and pepper and the rice and cooked for 5 min or until its done. Garnish with spring onions and serve hot.

This goes well with any non-veg gravies. As per choice, the veggies may be added or excluded from this recipe.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Dear,

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