Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Chocolate Cake Gulab Jamoon

I know, I know ... You'll must be guessing this to be a kala jamoon...( it looks like one). But this one is Chocolate cake gulab jamoon. I had some leftover sugar syrup (used in gulab jamoon) and some leftover chocolate cake (this could be a perfect leftover recipe, lol). Being a fan of gulab jamoon and off course chocolate cake, I fused them to make this chocolate cake gulab jamoon... interesting, isn't it? Here goes the recipe...

Chocolate cake - 500grams
sweetened condensed milk - 1 small tin
oil for deep frying

For the syrup:
Sugar - 1cup
Water - 1cup
Elachi - 4 nos
Rose essence - one pinch
oil - 1 tsp

Prepare the sugar syrup by boiling the sugar and water in a wide bottom casserole on a low heat with constant stirring. Fry the elachi in 1tsp oil , when the aroma is released discard the elachi and pour this oil over the syrup. When the syrup is almost done, add a pinch of rose essence for the flavour. Turn of the flame, and keep this aside. Knead the chocolate cake with sweetened condensed milk and form the dough. make small balls and deep fry in hot oil (when the oil is hot, reduce the flame to medium and then fry), just for 10 seconds (it will break if fried for longer, just put it in and take it out). Pour the sugar syrup over and serve hot with cold vanilla ice cream.

Click here for Chocolate cake recipe


  1. Hi, This is a very interesting recipe with left over chocolate cake, just clarify one thing will it not become overly sweet as there's sugar in cake, condensed milk as well as sugar syrup?

  2. Love your creativity!!! what a great idea...

  3. Sounds interesting..cool
    looks so good..need to try this dear :)

  4. Oh wow this is so invovative..Looks tempting.

  5. Thanks Pari :) No Pari, it was not over sweet coz i dint let it soak for longtime( like in regular gulab jamoons, I usually soak for 20 min). Moreover, this wouldn't be very soft like gulab jamoon (where the syrup can really infuse). This was pretty compact. Good question , I liked it :)

  6. Hi rach, thats a real nice twist to the usual jamoon, i loved the idea of using a chocolate cake, simply amazing, and looks too good as well

  7. Hi rach, how are you? sorry couldnt reply back yesterday as i had gone out...

  8. ya thats rt last min shopping, gonna miss them all..and going back 2morrow..so whats the time over there? is it mrg?

  9. so whats your plan for today? are you working there>

  10. This is completely new to me ... Love it

  11. Thanks Pavithra :) This is new fo me too a product of my experimental cooking :)

  12. Very Creative ..Guess hsould work with any left over cakes .. shall try out soon and let u know the outcome ... ps: am a gulab jamun fan too...


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